TrekRanks Episode 38: Top 5 Scenes in a Jefferies Tube

Originally released on September 14, 2018

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Our "Scenes in Trek" series continues this week with the Top 5 Scenes in a Jefferies Tube. We crawl into some tight spaces to dissect all the great moments in Trek's illustrious history of scenes inside a maintenance shaft! Yep! That's right! No topic is too deep for us to explore. Host Jim Moorhouse and guests Jenn Tifft and Ken Reilly (from TrekCore) help provide a full history of the Jefferies Tube.

The detailed conversation not only highlights scores of great moments through Star Trek's 50-plus year history, it also serves as a "Jefferies Tube 101" history for new and old fans alike.

The Diagnostic Cycle this week breaks down exactly what a Jefferies Tube is, and also highlights the work of Walter "Matt" Jefferies, the genius who designed the original Enterprise and whose name adorns the fames maintenance conduits. Remember, a Jefferies Tube is not a storage locker. It's not the inside of a nacelle. And it's not a warp nacelle control room. It is an access tube or service shaft and we've seen Jefferies Tubes that run diagonal, horizontal and vertical. Some have ladders and some have three-way ladders. Most you crawl in, but some you can walk in.

There are all kinds of Jefferies Tubes, and each of our participants defines how they narrowed down their lists in our usual Prime Directive section of the show. Our crew then moves into The Order of Things to reveal their "Five Word Summary and a Hashtag" for each of their Top 5 Scenes in a Jefferies Tube (and the episode in which it appeared).

And if that wasn't enough, the Secondary Systems choices are among the most comprehensive in TrekRanks history, as the hosts rattle off another dozen or more episodes or to get even deeper into the topic. As always, Jim also briefly reviews some of the interesting statistical anomalies that emerged from their selections in the Regeneration Cycle.

The episode concludes with a visit into a Temporal Causality Loop as we flashback to Episode 35 for feedback results on everyone's Top 5 TNG Guilty Pleasure Episodes.

As always, make sure to hail us at 609-512-LLAP (5527) and record your own personal TrekRanks log to let us know your Top 5 Scenes in a Jefferies Tube. Your comments might be used via a Temporal Causality Loop in an upcoming episode.


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Jim Moorhouse
Sat on the bridge of the NX-01, Star Trek trivia master and host of the TrekRanks podcast.
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Ken Reilly
Journalist @ TrekCore

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Jenn Tifft
TrekRanks guest and Star Trek fan!