TrekRanks Episode 34: Top 5 Romulan Episodes

Originally released on July 27, 2018

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"Jolan tru, sub-commanders!" This week on the TrekRanks Podcast we manipulate the circumstances with the skill of a Romulan as we breakdown our Top 5 episodes featuring the Romulan Star Empire! Host Jim Moorhouse is joined by Alexander Perry and Seth Walker to deceitfully conjure up our Top 5 Romulan Episodes and try to get at the heart of why the Romulans have stood the test of time across Trek's 50-plus years.

After running through our Level One Diagnostic Cycle to get each hosts opinion on exactly how Trek has defined Romulans through the years, our crew the breaks down exactly how they narrowed down their list and finalized their picks with their personal Prime Directive.

In The Order of Things, each of our guests revealed their Romulan episodes with their "Five Words and a Hashtag Summaries." With only so many episodes to choose from, Jim, Alex and Seth hit on quite a few duplicate picks, but also surprise with a few deep cut selections amid so many classic episodes. And, as always, the picks get even more in depth when the crew calls up their Secondary Systems selections.

After a quick recap of all the picks in the Regeneration Cycle, the episode concludes with a visit into a Temporal Causality Loop as we flashback to Episode 32 and our Top 5 Holodeck Episodes.

As always, make sure to hail us here on our website by leaving a voicemail and record your own personal TrekRanks log to let us know your Top 5 Holodeck Episodes. Your comments might be used via a Temporal Causality Loop in an upcoming episode. And your recording might also be considered as an audition as a future TrekRanks' guest host!


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Jim Moorhouse
Sat on the bridge of the NX-01, Star Trek trivia master and host of the TrekRanks podcast.
guest image

Alex Perry
TrekRanks guest and friend of the show!
guest image

Seth Walker
DiscoTrek guest and friend of the network!