TrekRanks Episode 100: Top 5 Janeway Episodes

Originally released on December 24, 2020

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To celebrate the 100th episode of TrekRanks we are highlighting one of Star Trek's most defining characters! It's the Top 5 Janeway Episodes as we dive deep into the inspirational saga of Captain Katherine Janeway of the USS Voyager. Behind unparalleled leadership and decisive decision-making acumen, Janeway did it all in the face of unrivaled adversity. Our panel covers the defining events and personal moments that characterize Janeway's journey in guiding her crew safely home from the Delta Quadrant. It's the perfect way to round out 100 episodes of TrekRanks!


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The Tricorder Transmissions

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Jim Moorhouse
Sat on the bridge of the NX-01, Star Trek trivia master and host of the TrekRanks podcast.
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Charlynn Schmiedt
TrekRanks guest and friend of the network!
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Foz Rotten
TrekRanks guest and Star Trek fan!
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TrekRanks guest and Star Trek fan!
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TrekRanks guest and Star Trek fan!