Alex is joined by Seth Walker to discuss the announcement of the writers' room for the Nickelodeon Star Trek show and Jeff Russo being confirmed as the composer for the upcoming Star Trek: Picard. In addition, we discuss the return of Star Trek: The Motion Picture to theaters in the US for its 40th anniversary, and the announcement of a new Star Trek: Discovery virtual reality experience. All that, and our theories!
Alex Perry
Alex Perry is a lifelong Star Trek fan who enjoys the show in all of its incarnations. Distraught when Enterprise left the air in 2005, he's excited about the emerging new golden age of Star Trek that we're seeing right now. As host of WeeklyTrek, he's excited to bring you the latest news in the Star Trek universe, with all the appropriate context. English by birth, Alex lives in Washington, DC with his wife and cat.
Seth Walker DiscoTrek guest and friend of the network!