TrekRanks Episode 103: Top 5 Badmirals!

Originally released on January 28, 2021

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Nothing like a Starfleet admiral to appear and muck everything up! We hold all of Starfleet's top brass accountable in this fun episode of TrekRanks as we highlight the Top 5 Badmirals! For our purposes on this show, we are leaving it up to you to define a badmiral as either a bad person or a badass, which allows for some interesting picks from our panel of host Jim Moorhouse and guests Jamie McGregor and Patrick Escudero. Attention all hands: the Badmirals are on deck!

To get into this week's topic we run through a detailed breakdown on the various admiral ranks in our Level One Diagnostic, before jumping into the Prime Directive section of the show where everyone has a slightly different take on how they made their final Badmiral picks.

Jim, Jamie and Patrick then reveal their final picks in The Order of Things with their "Five Word Summaries and a Hashtag," while also focusing in on one specific episode that helps highlight their choice. There are quite a few interesting takes and deep cut picks along the way, and when all is said and done, we get even further into it with a few additional Secondary Systems selections.

After a quick recap of all the picks in the Regeneration Cycle, the show is hit by a Temporal Distortion as we flashback to an excellent voicemail relaying picks from Episode 92, which was our fun look at the "Top 5 Buzzer Beaters."

As always, make sure to hail us at 609-512-LLAP (5527) and record your own personal TrekRanks log to let us know your Top 5 Badmirals! Your comments might be used via a Temporal Distortion in an upcoming episode. And your recording might also be considered as an audition as a future guest host on TrekRanks.

And don't forget to check out for our entire back catalog of episodes and a detailed rundown on every episode of Star Trek ever.


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The Tricorder Transmissions

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Jim Moorhouse
Sat on the bridge of the NX-01, Star Trek trivia master and host of the TrekRanks podcast.
guest image

Jamie McGregor
Friend of the show!
guest image

Patrick Escudero
Patron of the network!