Drawing Trek Episode 16: Gold Key #16 - Day Of The Inquisitors

Originally released on January 17, 2016

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Show regular Chris Ritzer visits the studio to talk Gold Key Comics #16, "Day of the Inquisitors"! We discuss the new Public Relations Officer with a familiar name, the first appearance of a most beloved shuttlecraft and the potentially too-dark-for-Trek torture scene amongst many more topics!

Jeff Hulit
Craig Cohen

This issue is ESSENTIAL.


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The Tricorder Transmissions

The Tricorder Transmissions is not affiliated with nor sponsored by CBS/Paramount. All podcast and written material on this website is non-profit and is intended for entertainment purposes only. Any copyrighted or trademarked Star Trek materials are owned by CBS Studios Inc.

Jeff Hulit
Managing Partner of The Tricorder Transmissions Network and Administrator of the Unofficial Las Vegas Star Trek Convention Facebook Group.
Jeff is a regular host on Shore Leave, DiscoTrek, The Original Mission, Drawing Trek, and Supplemental Logs.

Craig Cohen
Veteran podcaster, radio guy and fervent Captain Kirk fan.
Craig is a regular host on The Original Mission and Supplemental Logs.
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Chris Ritzer
Resident TNG, DS9 and Star Trek literature expert